The Morgan Horse
The Ultimate All-Around Family Horse
We focus on developing hardy, typey, old-style Morgan horses that have the conformation and temperament to excel in a multitude of disciplines. The Morgan horse is known for its versatility and many of the horses on these pages have participated in everything from hunter shows to rodeo drill teams.
A Little Bit About Us
My program is named after my first Morgan, Blackberry, who came to live with me when I was 6 years old. Blackberry and I started off together at such a young age thanks to my wonderful family- I was raised on a family cattle operation in Northeast Georgia and horses have always been a part of that equation. In fact, my family still runs this operation and my Morgans are used there to this day.
Because I work as an Ag Agent for UGA Cooperative Extension, I have the opportunity to expose my horses to a lot of fun and interesting situations. These can include 4-H demonstrations and other 4-H events, sorting cattle, trail rides, local horse shows, etc.
I hope that you enjoy your visit through this website and feel free to contact me with any questions. I love talking horses!